Re: Niples- \"Use Dean for Good or Evil?\"

Who: Cerebrum, Brian Bathgate and the marines.
When: just after Dean & the Pheonix leave.
"Go over to that Marine!" suggested Jay. Jonny walked Dean over to a
lone marine who was stood guarding a doorway. "Give him a kiss!"
Shouted Tara, and everyone laughed as Jonny made Dean give the butch
marine a big sloppy kiss on his lips.
Watching through the monitors they saw the Marines shocked reaction.
The shock faded away into anger as the marines face went bright red.
"Uh oh… get ready to back away Jonny!" said Jay.
"No… wait… his facial expression is changing, I think he liked it!"
Said Tara watching.
"RUN JONNY RUN!" Shouted Jay amusingly.
Dean turned on the spot and started running in a peculiar way like
he'd just escaped from the ministry of funny walks.
Cerebrum sighed as Dean "Stop making me do stupid things" Thomas
wobbled quickly out of sight.
"As you can see, that is not really Dean Thomas. Therefore, you
cannot take him in."
"Like buggery we can't!" replied the MArine's leader. "Just try and
stop us!"
"Did you hear that Professor? Would I be going out of line if I
stopped him?" Asked Brian with a grin.
"It sounded like an order to me." Cerebrum replied.
"One on one then, buster." said Brian.
"Okay then. Loser becomes the winners slave." replied the big,
hulking not quite so dumb marines leader.
"Let's do this honourably and start with a bow." suggested Brian.
As soon as the marine looked down, Brian moved like lightning and hit
the marine in the side of the head with his rifle.
The marine stumbled back, but replied with a fast punch to Brian's
head, which Brian just managed to block. While Brian was recovering,
the marine grabbed Brian's gun and threw it aside, and then went for
his own gun.
Brian anticipated this move and kicked the marines knee and grabbed
his wrist, forcing the marine to drop his own weapon.
Cerebrum decided to walk around and pick up Brian's gun while the
marine was busy fighting Brian, then walked up and calmly placed the
gun to the marine's head.

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