Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] New Adventure to start soon!

(OOC.- Was it Mad McKenzie who vandalised the water bed?  Oh, ok, yep, definitely him.  Absolutely.  Damn him.  Wasn't Zack Jarvis.  Oh no.  *wonders if this'll work next time he gets in trouble with Harris*  "It wasn't me, it was the evil hologram..." :-) .  )
Zack J sat in his room after nailing planks of wood across his door, after hearing that Harris suspected him (quite a common reaction amoung the criminal fraternity on Blue Dwarf, and in fact amoung several other ships and planets several light years away).  Suddenly, he heard over the intercom an announcement over the intercom that a hologram doppelganger of Stewie MacKenzie had been "captured" and charged with, amoung other things, the destruction of a water bed.  With a huge sigh of relief, Zack collapsed back on his bed.  After a couple of moments, he decided to go and pull the planks of his door.  After there was only one left, the doors suddenly slid apart showing a disgruntled Harris.  He looked confusedly at the plank, before shrugging his shoulders and stepping underneath it and snarling at Zack.
"So, Zack....  Think you're pretty smart do you....  Pulling a fast one on security.  Well, Mr. MacKenzie may not want to press charges, but just because you've managed to pull the wool over a shopkeepr, doesn't mean that I won't come down like a ton of bricks onto you the MOMENT you step out of line.  Security's gonna be watching you like a HAWK, and all it's gonna take is ONE slip up, and you're gona be in the brig like a SHOT, faster than you can say "Ow, not my testic-*ack*".  Do I make myself clear, you sniveling little maggot?"
After getting a whimper from Zack, Harris turned briskely and stalked out, stepping under the plank of wood nailed across the door, and shaking his head in disgust.
"Hmmmm, I wonder why he was in such a good mood..." muttered Zack to himself.
----- Original Message -----

From: Dave Innes
To: Blue Dwarf
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2001 1:00 AM
Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] New Adventure to start soon!
##################################### Well the Doppelganger fiasco has finallyended! Thanks to Major Harris, Zack (Mk I),Zack Richards, Commander Niples, PhilFeBuggure and anyone else involved during the whole chaotic doppelganger event.Soon another adventure which will involvemyself, a few alien races & a galactic war- so stay tuned!Stewie McKenzie#####################################
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