Who's Auntie?

"Um, isn't the stomach full of acids? Couldn't that be just as
dangerous? Is there some sort of drug or virus we could use to
temporary weaken his immune system instead?"
Canazza rustled around in his pocket, "Would these do?" He handed over a box of Anti-Histamines, "They get rid of my hayfever"
"It will work against this nasty, but i'm not so sure it'll work against the other anti-bodies in his system" Keto explained, "And we'll need alot more to get rid of them all"
"Listen," Phil grabbed the box off Keto, "how much of that will take out the one that's digesting the ship?"
"One or two i should think, but we'll need maybe a hundred at this size to - "
"We'll take them one at a time" Phil walked over to the garbage disposal, plonked a tablet in and released.
the Anti-body melted around the ship and was reabsorbed into the blood vessel wall.
Phil looked shocked as it smeared down the windshield.
"We need to devise a fast delivery system for this," Phil tossed the box to Canazza, "Rig up one of the cannons or something," he turned to Keto, "Can you make any more of this?"
"no, we'll have to get someone on the outside to administer more, and even then it won't stop the anti-virals"
"How much damage can they do?" Phil asked, obviously fearing for the wellbeing of his ship
"I don't know" Keto replied, "And it's best not to 'turn them off' since Mr Thomas may get a real disease, and then we'll be screwed when something immune to anti-histamine trys to digest us"
"What about lowering the power on the cannons?"
"I suppose that would work,"
"Canazza, get working on that too"
"There are other people on the ship you know," he replied
"Don't talk back"
<tag>---===Dave Canazza===---

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