At the back, all is quiet
OOC- sorry this is a loner one, but i wasnt sure whats going on
except im in the phoenix with some other cats inside Dean <Shivers>
so this is just a filler to let me get back on track
Who: Keats
Where: Back of the phoenix, in a little corner of the ship
Keats had been sat at the back of the Phoenix now since they first
dived into Deans body, the mere thought of this made him shiver, but
he had old 'quicky' to pass the time, of which he took another swig.
He glanced forward, Keto was fiddling with a navi-chart of dean. He
looked back at the wall, and put his sun glasses on. If he HAD to be
in here, he might as well get some sleep. He closed his eyes.
'ARGH!, GODDAMMIT!' Several of the other crew turned around at him
and glared momentarily. 'Sorry! lil headache..' He rubbed his
forehead, a little trickle of blood was wiped onto his
fingertips 'The hell?' He considerd this and shrugged him shoulders
and continued to try and get some sleep. Something squeaked in his
ear, he scratched around there and felt an odd tickle on his finger
as he brought his hand down level with his eyes...
'Is it just me or is that J..' The Viewscreen began to fill up with
something odd and slightly unnerving 'Ohhhh crap...' Keats took
another swig of the quicky before noticing Jack wasnt standing up at
the front with the rest of them.
OOC-hope this hasnt fucked anything up, if it has, ignore it !