T - minus 4 days : Test subject chosen and what's with these t-shir

Location : Phil's Lab, science decks
Time : 10:30 am, t minus 4 days and counting
Phil had finally finished conecting the temporl circuits to Saddam. The preliminary checks had been made. The Time Machine(even though it resembled a giant fridge) was ready for the first of the only two time jumps it was going to make. It needed a test subject.
"Saddam, who do your records show is most suitable for the test?"
The thought of Doom being scattered through the temproral plane was very appealing to Phil, but then he remembered that this is the sort of job that Donovan was recruited for. Donovan it is then
Phil pressed the comms button on his desk:
"Attention all crew members. This is Phil FeBuggure CSO speaking. The First test of the time machine is tommrow. Would Donovan please report to me office ASAP. Also would all other crew members please report ant anomlys that occur tommrow to me. Thank you."
With that done, Phil got up to have a short walk and almost fell over a giant carboard box, with a not on top. Picking up the note, phil read :
"Dear mr FeBuggure,
I write to you concerning two matters. The first is as you may be aware, I have an evil hardlight hologram trying to kill me.As far as I'm aware, one the easiest wasy to get rid of a hardlight hologram, is with another HLHG. If you would be able to help me in this matter, I would gladly provide the bounty you may have seen on the posters lately.
On a lighter note, I would be pleased to sponser your time travel expedition. Please find enclosed some complimentry t-shirts for yourself and any one else concerned in this project
Stewie McKenzie."
Hmmmmmm. 75% disvount for disposing of a hologram.
"I could do with new threads..." Thought Phil and sent a message to the shop keeper that as soon he was done with with the experiment and providing there was no other duties for him to perform then he would gladly help out.

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