I dnno the plan, but all the same, I want some of it!

Who?: Keith and XO families.
Where?: The Battleship JMC Blue Dwarf.
When?: Just as Keith was dragged aboard...
Phil just pointed...through a set of door...through a set of HUGE
doors...to what looked like a tank...correction a TANK...no better
make that a FH TANK...with a dirty great big cannon on the front...
Phil turned to rio..."I'm willing to sell you ANYTHING you want for
that tank...even my kids...."
"Okay not my kids, but i got a midget you can experminet on *
*BITE* at about groin level...
"Come on...the captain is waiting to see you..."
As the XO families and Lomaz rounded a heavily-modified corner in an
unidentifiable corner they bumped into a trio coming the other way,
comprising of two heavily scarred soldiers and Keith Wirrals.
Jay was getting sick of the man.
"What th'? Where? how? When?" He massaged his temples. "How the hell
did you get in here? When? In which vehicle?"
"I, took my old Midget and, like, assisted in our defense."
One of the soldiers pointed at Keith.
"found the little bugger trying to open a hangar door with the mining
cutter on his Midget."
The other one nodded "Nearly made it through, too."
"Hang on..." Alota said, scrutinizing one of the soldiers "Donover?
Donover and Meat!?"
"You know us?"
"Yeah" said Jay "You're part of the security team on our Dwarf."
"Sounds like a nice safe job, security guard on mining ship... how
did I land it?"
Lomaz turnd on him "This was a mining ship to start with, remember?"
"Oh yeah, just my luck. I land a job on a ship with a relatively
large life-expectancy and it turns into a hunted resistance
"He's with us, turn him loose, please."
Donover looked at Lomaz,who nodded, and Keith was released.
Jay leaned over to Alota as they started away again.
"We should have left him with those guys, they'd take care of him
better than we can!"
Alota shrugged the suggestion off "I am not leaving a member of crew
in another reality! Wirrals, come with us!"
Lomaz did a 180 on her heel "Whoah whoah, Wirrals? We'e got a Keith
Wirrals, he started out as a miner, but he's got to be a top techie,
and he's pretty good at flying."
"Look," Came the small voice of Dean Thomas from somewhere near the
floor "can we just get on with this??"
Rio sile grimly "Of course, if you wold all follow me again..."
Then she strided off, followed by our Dwarfers.
Gavin "I want some"Branson.

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