Wirrals in hot water.

Who: Kieth wirrals
When: Shortly after last post!
Where: a few hundred metres from the alien ship occupied by the BD
Kieht wirrals was in a bad way, the heating had gone roughly a day
ago, there was little or no power to the engines and to top it all he
could feel himself slipping into insanity.
"ninety-nine hundred thousand, four hundred and twenty three green
things, hangin' on the wall...ninety-nine hundred thousand, four
hundred and twenty three green things, hangin' on the wall, but if
one green thing we-ere to fall..."
He looked around, the whole cockpit of the Midget was covered in
strange green semi-ice crystal things. He got up and flicked one off
of a control panel.
"There'd beninety-nine hundred thousand, four hundred and twenty two
green things, hangin' on the wall..."
With a sudden crash the Midget collided with something, Kieth, taken
off guard, was flung into the control panel, head first. Unconscious
the young miner slithered slowly onto the floor.
Hi again! Just to clarify, I've crashed into the outside of the ship
that the crew are currently exploring, and I know where I'm going to
now, so no need to mount rescue attempts...

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