
Who: Cerebrum and Keto - the daring duo of master malpractice MPs
Where: Phil's ship
When: Bink.
> "We hurry off and sell all this alien equipment, then hurry back in
> time to restart their engines manually and be called the heroes of
> the hour."
"Brilliant!" Cerebrum exclaimed. "Let's go!"
A minute later
"We're back, sir!" Cerebrum said, saluting Phil as he wheeled in the EMP
device. The respect he was showing immediately made everybody suspicious.
"Is that all you could find?" Phil asked, running his eye over the device.
"Psychiatrist's honor, both ships were blown up after all," stated Cerebrum,
raising his left hand. "We didn't open it because it's a biohazard and
therefore should only be opened by trained medical personnel."
"And why didn't Keto open it?" asked Phil, his suspicion growing. "And we've
got an away mission scheduled on a death planet, so you'll need to have your
DNA adjusted at the DNA modifier we discovered."
At this point, a mime burst into the room, and got stuck in an invisible
box. While Phil was busy wailing away at the invisible box with a baseball
bat, trying to get at the time, Cerebrum and Keto took the opportunity to
duck down a corridor, chuckling as they ran, followed by the rest of the
mimes carrying all the other equipment in invisible boxes.
A short while later, in another starbug docked at the ship
"Now, the way I see it, we've got two choices, Doctor," Cerebrum mused to
Keto. "We can stay on board the ship, and let the crew (who, we must admit,
consits mainly of incompetent idiots) use alien DNA modification technology
on us. Or, we can point this shuttle at Earth and go sell off all this alien
technology for vast sums of money. What do you think we should do?"

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