A better idea comes along

Phil was explanling things on how to set up for his iterogation of Cannon, when Canazza pointed somethings out to Phil
"Well sir, it's a nice idea however some minor problems
1 - We dont have enough power to run a second hologram...
2 - the fact your old light bee been hidenin in MP's pants is not really good for it
3 - Cannons buggered off somewhere..."
MP tugged phils jacket and held out his hand...he had found cannons bee...empty of all data
"Where the smegg did he go?"
"What did he say?" asked Dave, still not 100% up on pervy-midget speak..
"He said that Cannons downloaded himself into the ships main frame...BUGGER!"
"For fu....Look...he's a computer program, in a mainframe...if he takes control of this ship...whats the first thing you think he's going to do?"
"Change the decor?"
"No you..." Phil counted under his breath as he relaised that his companion was still a wee bit pished..
"No...he's going to kill us...We need to get hold of him for many reasons...."
There was a thud as the first of the ships joined airlocks with "Starbug Galatica".
"We need to get into the mainframe...If only there was a way we could transfer ourselves into digital form and hunt him down before he done any damage..."
"The main frame's big...we need a lot of people to help us..most of the senior staff would do..." replied Phil
"There's always the AR suites....Each bug has them...all they'd need to do is hook up each suit to ours and we're away.."
<< tag peeps...there's going to be another action soon and theres a big clue as to what EP it's based on in this post>>

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