"Operation : Rescue Penny Lloyd" - Part 1

Location: Science Decks, Phil's Lab
Time : Top Secret(10:30, day after the funeral)
Phil had begun work on on modifying Saddam to accept the time travel circuits. All the time Saddam kept saying things like "Your're mother was a calculator!" and "Stick that in me and I'll, I'll....I'll getr angry".
Phil tutted. Obvisouly, Saddam was having trouble integrating Evil-Phil into his programing. He'd have to get White Wolf to have a look at him after this project was over and done with.

Location : Commanders Nipples Office
Time : 1 hour later.
Phil marched into Nipples office with a clipboard under his arm "I've begun work on the time machine, but discovered a problem."
"Time Machine?" Nipples looked a bit confused.
"Yes Sir. I told you about after the funeral?!"
A breif flash of memory popped into Nipples head.
"Oh, yes. I remember, " he lied. "What's the problem?"
"Well I'm having to run the time machines circuits through Saddam, due to his trans-temporal nature. I've discovered though, that'll only TWO jumps can ever be made. The first will have to be a test jump, to make sure that the system doesn't harm organic life. The second will be the actual jump it self.!!!!!"
Nipples noticed the 5 !'s at the end of Phil's speach and could tell he was anxious.
Phil consultued his list, then handed it to Nipples
"I need you to reqresition these things for me."
Nipples took the paper and read over it. He then spoke into the comms unit on his desk.
"<cough> Attention all hands :Nipples speaking: Could the following people please report to my office with regards to "Operation : Penny LLoyd." Major Harris, Dr. Keto, Jason Smegg, Efof. Thank you."
"I'll need you to get the following:
Major Harris : I'll need some weapons from the armourey, just in case
Dr Keto : Get some industrail strength onitment on standby
Any compentant medical officer : Get some proper medical equipment on stand by.
Jason Smegg : Some way of diverting about 80% of the ships power into the science labs.
Efof : Keep the ship away from any plantery bodies(as that might throw of the portal
Anyone else : Anything that might help with the jump.
Nipples looked the list over. A tiny part of his brain thought the hologram was talking out of his projector socket. However, the majority of his brainwas going "WOOPIE" at the though that Penny might be back again soon. The only other problem was the Efof fellow and what he had done to his Space Eagle.
"I am puzzeled as to why your're talking to me about this and not the captain?" inquired Nipples suddenly.
"Speaking truthfully sir, the captain couldn't find his arse with a map, a bright neon sign pointing to it and a midget singing "This is your arse, this is your arse" , sir."
"Never a simple answer with you is it Febuggure?"

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