The names Febuggure...Phil Febugure...

Who : Phil and MP
Where : A lift
When : Just after the ambasadors got onboard
Phil was minding his own buisness, waiting for the lift to take him to the Drive deck when Ambassador Niples and some scruffy blokes got on board.
Phil, still thinking he was in secuity rugby tackled the one just behind Niples.
Pulling out his gun he started to wave it at the others..
"err, Phil..." began Niples, but it was too, too late..
Niples wispered in Phil's ear...very quickly..
"Oh smeg on a stick...." he started, helping the delegate who he tackled back up on his feet..
"What's your name man!" demand the flatedn one.
"The names Febuggure, Phil Febuggure..."
"When I'm fnished with..." another delgate wispered in the first one's ear..
"Excuse me...are you THE Phil Febuggure?"
"How many Phil Febuggure's do you know work in JMC?"
Niples kept his mouth shut at this point.
"Yes sir I am...."
{Just great only been XO for a few days and it looks like a court martial allready...} thought Phil.
"Well, erm, easy mistake to make....Congratualtions on your promotion by the way...Your parents well?..."
"Dunno..Not spoken to them for about half a million years, my time.In real time, the last time I checked they were...."
"Why is that midget over there looking at me?" asked the third delagate.
"That's MP sir...Temporay Head of Secuirity..." replied Phil.
* THUD *
"Why has Ambassador Niples fainted..."
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