Ho! Ho! Holy SMEG!

Dean leapt through a door and shut it just in time to hear the satisfying thud thud thud of bullets hitting the door, and yelled out a shout of thanks. Ripping off his women's disguise he ran across the room, picking up an evil looking machine gun and an RPG Launcher, Then he picked up a harness and starting putting it on the creature in front of, the, ahem, vehicle

"Might I say something at this point?" ventured Phil....
"Yes Phil?" asked WW
"Well...If my calulations are correct there should be a little package arriviung for me very soon from the Archivers in about 5 mins...."
"What's in it?"
Dean ran up and down between the creatures and his vehicle, checking that everything was hooked up. Then he checked that the weapons were securely locked on too.
"YEE HA!" he yelled, heading straight towards the garage door that he had walked past on the way towards his method of transport.

"Cool..What kind of weapons...?"
"Dunno...Just some gear I appranlty design in a few years time..Appranlty each weapon is unique and has a differnt effect..."
There was a shimmering noise and a Large crate appeared.....right on Jay....
"Right on time...Shall we get our gear....?"
<muffled> "Get this smegging crate offf me NOW!!!!!"
Just as the crew was starting to comply, a door merely 20 metres was blown outwards by RPG Blast.
"Ok, I am now officially nuts." said WW, " I relinquish command as I'm unfit to do so."
"I resign." said Phil, "On grounds of ill health."
"EEE!" concurred MP, "You haven't got a position so shut up." said Phil, watching as it came closer. Then he recognised teh face driving. BUt Jay beat him to it.
"And why." added WW, "have you fixed a rotating machine gun on to it, and" he added for a second time, "a Grenade Launcher?"
"It's hunting season."
"Oh no." said Phil.
"What?" asked Jay
"Santa has been taken away by bunny rabbits."
"Uh-huh" said WW
"Dean has his sleigh."
"Yup." said Dean proudly.
"Who's delivering the smegging presents!" yelled WW, catching Phil's drift.
"Never mind that!" yelled Jay, "WHo's getting this smegging crate off of me?"
Dean "Ho Ho Ho" Thomas

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