whatever happened to me?!
OOC - Well, i've been in plaster now for 3 weeks and i've got used to it and i'm able to get at my computer better, so ... i'm going to add in my little snippet, granted i've missed alot cause for some reason AOL deletes e-mail more than 3 days old but i think i have a grip on it...
Where: The Medi-bay
When: whenever now is
Who: Canazza, Timmy.
The medi-bay was eerily quiet. All the staff had left and the lights were dimmed. Canazza lay on a bed, the chart at the bottom of his bed was scribbled with incomprehensible notes and charts that really only showed who had what time and day in the Medical pool.
You see, since the Polymorphs were destroyed and all the emotions returned, everyone had a period where they were a little unbalanced, it probably lasted only a few seconds for most as only one or two emotions were stolen.
For Canazza however, he has been unconscious since the incident, as every single emotion he had was drained from his being, turning him into a mindless, emotionless, instinct led Cow.
Timmy sat there, on the 3ft stool next to the bed, it had taken him all day to get up there, and the robot was a might frustrated that there were no ladders build into them, especially since they now had TWO midgets aboard.
Every night since it happened, he waited by the bed to see if he'd wake up.
"What loyalty" the nurses would say, as they picked the day Canazza would wake.
He sat for days thinking about the mistreating of midgets and about creating a midget society. He even came up with a name, the Society of Tortured Dwarves, he thought of the grand meetings they'd have in the biggest room they could find, and how they should be treated as equals. That is until he started designing the posters and discovered the acronym was STD.
one day, while he was trying to think of a new acronym, something stirred. Timmy looked round, it was Canazza, he was awakening.
"ooohhh..." he groaned, "my head, ow, my head"
Canazza felt sore all over.
"Hi!" replied Timmy, "Do you remember what happened?"
"Vaguely, something about veggie burgers, explosions and painful electric shocks."
"That's right, you became a cow"
"I did," he tried to move, "OW!" he screamed, "My hair!"
"You had me chasing you all over the ship for you."
"I did," he didn't try and move, "OOWW! my uvula"
"You had me from the cargo decks to McDonalds,"
"Sorry..." he remained perfectly still, "OW! my retina!"
"I'd been shocked, crushed, flung, smashed, catapulted, covered in veggie-crap and EATEN!"
"Oh..." he closed his eyes, "OW! MY SPLEEN!"
"EATEN! EATEN I SAID! It's time for some payback..."
"oh crap..."
Timmy held aloft his sacred icon, the cattle prod.
An officer was passing by the medi-bay at this point, as he was passing, he saw a few sparks of bright light coming from the dimly-lit room, accompanied by an orchestra of screams, high, low, long, short and in the middle. The officer assumed Keto was performing some kind of surgery and Holly had locked out the anaesthetic and continued onwards.
Back in the medi-bay:
"You - OW - Bloody - OW - Bloody - OW - Bastard" growled Canazza, hair sticking on ends, limbs outstretched, still twitching.
"Payback complete, i'm going home" he jumped off the stool and toddled towards the door, picking up the chart infront of the bed, "Ohh! I win!" he said, and trotted out of the bay and headed for the bar.Name: Dave Canazza
Status: Shocked