'This and that'

Blue Dwarf
Security cells
After beating up a spy.
Major Harris gleered at the two tied up before him, one was the Kayn
he had stuck him over the head and killed one of his staff, and the
other was a spy from... well, somewhere, Johnson.
Harris looked down at the table before him laid over with numbers
things that was inteaded to be used for torture. Harris was really
going to love this as he hadn't really found a way to get rid of some
stress since nutting Niples.
"At last." Harris commented as a pair of security officers wheeled
in a TV and VCR into the cell.
Harris then hit the 'play' button on the VCR and the trio of the
security officers left as 'The Teletubbies' began to play.
Black Nova
Drive room
Just before the attack run
Bob Harris stood up as the ship quickly approached the 'evil' Blue
"Fire when ready!" Bob ordered.
The Black Nova shoot alone above the 'evil' Blue Dwarf firing its'
weapons causing only minor damage to the much larger ship that was
starting to return fire.
(Like it or not I put the Black Nova and Bob Harris and the rest of
his band into this plot and I'm going to use them!)

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