Nice to meet you....

Who: Alexis, Rufus, Andrew
Where: Science Labs
When: After the snip
Alexis is sitting in her office talking to Andrew.
"Wecome to the science department. Just so you can can call me Alex, Axle, or just about anything else half way decent. I try to stay on friendly terms with everyone. I bet you and me will get along just fine."
Rufus leans on the door frame and watches Andrew and Alexis making small talk.
"Hi. I'm Rufus." Rufus said making no attempt to hide the suspicion in his voice. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"
"Im Andrew. Andrew Aman." He said smiling.
"Right... so Andy... Do you mind if I call you Andy? What is your job here?" Rufus asked.
"I'm a biologist" Andrew says smiling.
"Ok... just stay away from my lab." Said Rufus walking into Phil's lab...<Tag Andrew ;) >
OOC- Welcome abord....

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