Toasting the Future

Who: Us
When: Around Now
Where: Around Here
Why: Who cares?
"I'm demoting you to LT, oh and...Jay heres the Chief of navigation now!"
Jay gave dean a 'dont you have plasma filters to clean' look.....
"Oh come on Jay! Its my day off!" Dean protested, "Not any more" Jay said "We got work to do" Jay gabbed Dean by the ankles and dragged him down the corridor, Dean digging his nails in to the deckplate.
A gruelling hour later "FOR SMEGS SAKE THOMAS COME ON!" Jay snarled, dragging Dean into his office. "sign this" jay said handing dean a piece of paper "what is it?" asked dean "owneership forms for the starbug you wanted, I managed to convince the Corp' to give it to you for nothing, you owe me one!"
"Oh, Cheers mate! I was halfway through doing it illegaly anyway. Wanna come down and give me a hand with it?"
"Do you think I'd trust you to do it on your own?"
"I'm ever hopeful."
"Come on ya smeghead."
Jay and Dean caught teh elevator down to the shuttlebay were the half-gutted Bug lay.
"Well, I've taken teh braking and steering out for refurbishment already" Dean started.
Before Jay interrupted with, "Hold it, I've got great plans for this bug."
"Well that's good as I didn't really" said Dean
"But first, we need a name." said Jay.
"Heh." said Jay, "BUGger it's crashed?"
"I think not." said Dean, smiling..
"Ok....." said Jay "Its your bug you name it....but I;m thinknig you lower the suspension, take of the tail fins and add a racing replica spoiler, put a new can on the thrusters, alloy landing legs and titn the glass just for starters" "How much is this gonna cost?!"
"Not as much as the bug would've done!"
"Ok, point."
Dean and Jay were sat inside the bug, ripping out and checking vital systems which Dean was reading off a clipboard.
"Ok, fuel injection pumps?"
"Check," said Jay bending inside the bug's mess of wiring and mechanics and giving something a tug. He came out and put his hands on his uniform.
"Smeg! It's all oily now! And I had to see Alota about....about.....something." Jay paused,  "Hey!, wait, why am I doing the scut monkey work?"
"Suspension locking pins bracket capacitors."
Dean crawled out from inside the bug.
"Those toasties done yet?"
"Cheese and Ham. Fantastic." said Dean, grabbing one in his oily mit.
<LATER>"Jay...we have pieces left" Dean said, holding a mass of wires, "Let me see" Jay examined what Dean was holding "Dean thats the stereo"
"The one that's meant to be left."
"I...knew...that." said Dean slowly, "I..was...just...checking."
"Aye, and I'm Mr Fat Bastard 2456."
"Well, you are in the future.." said Dean
"Oh, you won't remember. We all flew about in time, I saw us in teh future. I'm married, and you have been for a bit too long I think! The old beer belly starting to show through."
"Quiet." said Jay, flummoxed by the revelation. "Besides, haven't you got more important things?"
"God yes!" said Dean, runnign out the cockpit to the midsection.
"THE TOASTIES ARE OK!" he yelled back!
"Well, at least one thing's going to plan" said Jay, waling through to the midsection, where Dean prised open the toastie machine.
Jay took a bite out of his toastie, and glanced at his watch. "Smeg dude its nearly 3am....alotas gonna kill me!"
Dean "Ham" Thomas & Jay "Cheese" Chrysler. - The Toastie Brothers!

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