Nice moves

Who : Phil, WW plus those in the drive room
Where : drive room
"Hello Phil...Wheres MP?" said WW as Phil almost ran into him
"Ermm, looking for Cerebrum with Kara..."
"You left MP alone with a woman???"
"Well, he's been acting a bit odd since Cebrum gave him electro-shock therapy.."
{Wish I though of that} thought the Captain.
"So what's going on...?" Phil asked
"Well, that ship on the sceen there justa ppeared out of a mysterious vortex and is heading this way. Jay's gone out to meet the target at close range if you know what I mean..."
"Can i see the sesnor playback for the the ships arrival Holly.."
"Eh?" replied the computer with an IQ eqivalent to 12,000 people who drive whilst using mobile phones...
"Show me the video..."
"Got a message coming through for you Phil, from Jay...?"
"Really, put him through..."
<snick> "Phil you there?"
"Yep I'm here jay, wassap..."
"Does this ship look familiar to you at all?"
"Yeah, has a passing resemblance to the Ragnarok doesn't it.."
<snick> "That's true...but look at these power readings...."
A ticker tape was handed to Phil..."Bloody heckfire...This thing has the potential to blow up a planet or...."
Something caught Phil's eye on the playback.."HOLLY...Stop playback and play again time index 345.777...."
"You what?"
"Rewind the tape 2 seconds.."
He saw the image again.."Zoom in here...."
WW sttod beside Phil and looked at the sesnor reading of the ship outside the dwarf, which hadd currenlty done a top gun manuver causing the Pheonix to overshoot and come around for another pass.
"There..." said Phil pointing.
It was an image on the side of the ship. An image of an hourglass...
** Meanwhile on the ship**
The pilot spoke "Damn...why'd they have to send jay out....dean i could handle, amber...just about but JAY?!!"
"Look, " replied the scientist, "Jay not the killing type, at worst he damage the engines.."
"Great you had to open you big mouth didn't you..Now the engines are failing
"ME how's it my fault, you're the pilot, "
"Well, I WAS talking to you midget brain.."
The intercom crackled
<snick> "This is to the mysterous ship...I have disabled your engines..prepare to land in hanger bay 5 and prepare to be boarded.."
"Well we did want to to take us on board...."
"Why coud;t we just say who we are?"
"Yeah, like they would belive THAT without proof...The admirals plan comes the hard part...."
** 5 mins later back on the dwarf **
Phil and Jay stood side by side
"How the hell did you get here from the drive room in 5 mins..."
"Took the express elevator"
"No shit...Look out, here he comes...."
Phil pulled out his gun and pointed at the figure emarging from the ship..
"Please step away from the ship now mister..!"
"Miss," said Jay.."Look at that body, that is SO female..." commented Jay
"I'm telling Alota you know that...," to the pilot "Okay MISS...Remove the helmet and raise your hands where they can be seen..."
The figure raised her hands and removed the helmet..
"Holly crap on a stick!" cried Jay....
"Nice to see you as well Jay...and you as well.....Dad.."
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