Well, this leaves us in a big pile of poo.

WHO: Who's left.
WHERE: The Castle.
WHEN: After Jay and Phil and Darken legged it, and WW wandered over to the rest of the crew
"Well." said Amber, looking at Phil hitting the shallow bit of water, "shall we do something useful?"
"Yes, I guess so." said Alota.
"Well WW? You're in charge now." pointed out Jasmine.
"Hm.. Well, we've got this stormtrooper armour." said Alota.
"Oh, congratulations." said Amber.
"I meant" said Alota, with a nasty glare, "maybe we could do something with it."
"Oh great, none of us can understand him."
"Well, he's pointing that way." said WW,
"Oh, well that's easy." said Eve, "he's saying: look at the big orc army regrouping and now coming to attack us."
"Oooh, goody." said Amber, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Tara?" asked WW
"Uh-huh?""Shoot them would you?"
"Unfortunately not, out of bullets you see." Tara explained.
"Ah. IN that case, as your captain, I suggest we leg it."
"Seconded." said Amber
"Carried with no objections." said Jasmine, "RUN!!!!!"
The group ran as fast as they could.
"Now where are we?" asked WW
"Oh god." said Tara.
"Yup." said Amber, "it's the women's bogs again."
The Orcs started to batter the door down with their vlkubs.
"Only one other way out." said Jasmine, looking distastefully at the bog.
"Oh god." said WW
Dean "RUN!" Thomas

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