the magic number
Posted byPosted: Oct 1, 2002, 4:24pm
"You certainly are." came the voice back, "you going to get us out" yelled Jay!?----------- snip end --------------
"Well, If your gonna speak to me like that..." Phil said pretending to huff..
"Dad...Much as I like the idea of being stuck in a pit with Jay...don't you think you could GET US OUT!"
"Young lady!"
"'Sokay..." Phil pulled out Amber first, then Jay...
"So what's the plan?"
"Well, I sent MP into the castle and he....."
Phil was interrupted by a loud scream coming from the castle...
"I think someone was itting on the privvy when MP popped out..."
"Ewww! " remarked Jay, picturing the scene
"I think we shoul go to the gate now.."
"'ello...who is it?" This voice called from the top of the castle as the group emergred from the forest and at the base of the gatehouse.
"We are Holy inqustors and belive you have a demon on the premise!"
"No....wait....Yes...we you know?"
"First off...where the feck are you?" called Jay to the voice.
"I is up ere, you stupid son of a you blind?"
Phil pointed to a man on the battlements..
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OOC : Can you guess which film this is from?
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