December McKenzie's Catalogue

MCZENZIES - Store with Old fashioned service!
"Fla'Tstanly" 10m (xmm) Tape measure only $£ 8.99!
"DaBosch" Laser + multi accessory jigsaw only $£ 80.50!
"Bostinks" Fill everything NOW USABLE IN ZERO-G! at
a crazy $£6.40
And this month every Officer will not get 15% off, but
35% off! Does not apply to technicians and civilians.
*****************XMAS ITEM SALE!!!***********************
All Civilians and technicians will receive 5% off all
items mentioned below. They can also receive another
2% off if they spend more than $£100.00 plus the items
below. Officers will receive the same discount above*
*Officers will only get 15% from January the 1st onwards
From January the 1st, Civilians and technicians will not
receive any discount.
Santa's Own! Quarter lights - 75 lights per box -
$£ 30.50!
Santa's Own! Hologrammatic Santa suit - only $£15.90
Santa's Own! Carols by Engine Room choir - with engine
hummings! - on 1 CD - $£5.80
Santa's Own! - Mistletoe Pregnancy kit - with approval
of the Martian baby clinic - only $£20.50.
Santa's Own! - Holo-trees - now with revolving decorations
only $£120.60
Santa's Own! - Plastic Xmas trees - THEY'VE SLASHED PRICES!
NEW! - Rocking trees - $£15.80
NEW! - Singing trees - $£20.85
- Revolving trees - $£8.50!!!!
- Static trees - $£5.60!!!!
Go and reply to this message to order your trees!
Stewie McKenzie
*Mr. Harris - Trees don't need strip searching - neither
do my female employees.
*Mr. Numan - Please don't cart your beer in my store -
I had hard time trying to remove half of the Blue Dwarf
drunken community.
*Captain - Please stop by my store! I shall make you
very welcome - and so will by sexgodd ... I mean my
female employees
*Commander Niples - Your revolving tree has arrived. Please
pick it up tommorow afternoon.
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