Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Hey I didn\'t ask for this none of us did....

Where:- CNO's office
"Not being able to fly in that body never stopped Dean!" Jay quipped.
"HEY!" Ambers voice came from the opposite corner.
Everyone looked at Dean with a strange look.
"Yeh...fair comment.." he muttered. Holly appeared on the wall of Jays office.
"Bing Bong" he said "The big fluffy one would like see Chrysler in his office"
"Who" Jay said, with Lomaz' voice.
"Y'know the big mouse..."
"What's 'is name, likes to pouch things....uses lots of duct know who I mean!"
 "holly, hes a hamster, and his names Captain White Wolf"
"Thought you said he was a hamster..not a wolf"
"Holly just go...please just go..."
" pilots are rude aint..ya"
"Ok..." Jay said "This could be important...and even noone else knows about what that evil swine that calls himself a psychiatrist has done to us, I think White Wolf should, otherwise he might start asking questions, especially when Dean Thomas starts flying well"   He got up of his seat and headed for the door. "I'm gonna go see what he needs me for, in the mean time, Dean, I need the starbugs exhaust valves cleaned...."
"What? Why me?!"
"Look at the rota, Dean did it,.Its Ambers turn...."

----- Original Message -----
From: Alyse Coyne
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 4:35 AM
Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Hey I didn't ask for this none of us did....
>From: "Andy" <SirLagerlot@...>>Reply-To:>To: <>>Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Zipping of the jewels. JP with Jay and Dean>Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 23:06:30 +0100>>Who:- Very uncomfortable Pilots>Where:- Flight deck corridor 7-alpha>>Amber took Rio aside, well, thats what it looked like, it was actaully Dean >taking Jay aside, "Fancy a drink in the pub mate?">"OH no you don't!" said Amber and Rio together, you're not wrecking OUR >bodies!>"Rio" said Jay, still not used to his higher pitch, "I've seen you necking >back a few drinks in Parrots with your mates regularly, on the other >hand Dean">"What?" he asked>"You're a fifteen year old got I'D?">"Erm...SMEG! It's alright, I look 16.">"Erm.. no you don't.">"Jeez...I have a cute butt." said Dean, looking over at what used to be his >body.>"Hey! Eye's OFF your ass!" shouted Kara>"Woah woah guys!" Jay said, realising for the first time in his life he was >shorter than everyone around, coming in at about 5 foot 4 and Rio had been >wearing heels as well. "Lets not talk here, we're in the middle of a >corridor, lets head for my office,...oh um amber, you'll need to open the >door">"Why?">"Fingerprint and voice scan lock...I dont trust Dean not to rewrite his >files..">"Gee, thanks! You'd think I was related to Phil or his little clone!" Dean >replied>"Amber...damn, Dean, you ARE related to them both  now." Jay pointed out>"'s my mother! And Phil is my father! And the wee >pervert is my....other father!" Dean said, terrified of the midget.>"Woah!" said Rio. through Efof. "Talking of relationships, Amber, you're >married to Alota, and Kara, you're going out with Jasmine!">"This is going to get confusing" said Efof.>Jay dismissed Efofs comment after realising he was actually referring to >the mars bar machine. Amber opened Jays office and Jay slumped into his >chair, stood up, raised it a few inches and sat down again, his feet >dangling.>Dean, or Amber, hid a snigger. "Alright there shortarse? you want a boost >to get to the filing cabinet?">"Smeg off!" said Jay, "I'm perfectly capable!">He/She strode purposely across the room towards it.>"Erm.. can someone give me a hand?" he asked, vainly trying to reach to the >top where a cardboard box was sitting amongst the dust particles.>Rio lifted him up using all four arms, Jay grabbed the box and put it >behind his desk, "Right, guys what do we do? this is gonna be damn awkward >to tell ALota about thats for sure..">"Glad I'm not in your shoes mate!" came Jay's tones, though Amber was the >one saying it.>"We just discussed that, you are!" Jay replied>"Look!" first thing is that we have to decide whether we're actually going >to tell everyone or not!" Dean said>"I say we put it to the vote!" came Kara, or whoever was using her vocal >chords anyway>"Be right back" AMber said dashing out of the room. "Where the hell is she >going?" Dean asked.>"Ok we gotta think logically here...If we dont tell people, then >technically, we gotta trust Amber to coordinate all piloting duties, shes >good but shes a rookie...and to be honest, I'd rather not let it coem to >that. On the other hand, how would Alota react to me..or how would Tara and >Phil react to Dean being in the body of their daughter?" Jay said. Amber >returned a srange expression>>  on Jays face, "Whats wrong?" Efof asked, from his new holo-form >"Zipper....." was all she could manage.>>"HEY!" shouted Jay "CAREFUL WITH THAT!">"OOohh....." Dean buckled over in Ambers body, "That's gotta hurt!" he >said, using ambers voice.>"" Amber as Jay said.>"Owee,owee,ow!" said Amber's voice from her body rolling on the floor.>"Quiet Dean." said Dean/ Kara>"Quiet!" said Amber, in response to Kara. "and at all stages leave my cute >ass and respectable family jewels out of harms way!">"The vote?" Dean asked,>>__________________________________________________________________>andy longman>ICQ#: 95638653>>       Current ICQ status:>>+  More ways to contact me>i  See more about me:>__________________________________________________________________>Kara checked herself out. "Hmmmm this whole being a guy thing is kinda cool." She said thinking out loud yet again. Kara realized something "Smeg what are we gonna do?! I can't fly in this body, I can't drink, I can't make love the right way, I can't do anything! I'm gonna die again!" She slumped down in the corner and tried to find her flask but she forgot she wasn't in her body anymore.(Erm help?)Alyse(aka Capt. Emerald)Nice one, Listy. I should trust you to fly when I go suicidal. You drive like a drunken baboon, laddie. -Rimmer, Stasis Pod From Hell._________________________________________________________________Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.comJMC's  best....brightest....the most number one resource in all things Blue Dwarf related,Download desktop images, official Blue Dwarf movies and gameTo unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:JMC_Blue_Dwarf-unsubscribe@egroups.comYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

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