Knew I'd forgot something!

Dean and the rest of the crew stepped out of the 'bug, and looked at the bedraggled and soaked crew.
"Whoops." said Rio.
"Yeh. Whoops."
"Who?" asked one of the crew.
Dean muttered, "Who the hell is that?""I've no idea." said Allie, "They all look alike. Drenched."
"Lomaz." Dean said out loud.
"Mug her!"
"Argh! An angry mob!" Rio yelled, running inside the ship to protect herself.
"Guys, we got a message for you. You're all to get on the bug, we're going to a nightclub!"
"Jay's orders. Come on, shift it you lot. And wipe your feet before you come in." said Amber, "vomit doesn't come out easily."
"Alright, alright."
They boarded, and the bug took off, fairly smoothly.
The Bug flew over New Ibiza.
"Guys... Where IS this nightclub we're going to?" asked Dean, looking out of the plexiglass windscreen
"Yeh. A nightclub is not the best description of a place to meet, on a planet full of the blasted places!" said Lomaz, starign at her navigaton console.
"Let's see whats on the Radio." said Amber, reaching for the knob.
"Night Fever! Night Fever!"
Amber clumsily knocked the dial.
"'Cos it's your Jive Talking..."
"ARGH! It's BeeGee's night here on Ibiza." yelled Lomaz, "is there nothing on?"
"This looks more promising" said Amber.
"This is the Quasar 4. Anyone from the Blue Dwarf out there?"
"We're here."
"Oh. We received a message from one Alota Chrysler, saying we were to render assistance"
"Uh-oh. Stop Engines. Full Astern both." said Dean.
"What?" asked Allie.
"We left Alota in the comms tower."
"Dean? You there?" came Jasmine's voice over the comm.
"It depends. Is Jay there?"
"I'm here." came the voice from the background.
"Then no. I'm not."
"What you done?" asked Jay, "And where are you?"
"Nothing, it's...all under control." said Dean
"You've crashed haven't you?"
"No actually. We just, forgot something."
"What? Fuel?" asked Jay, looking at Jasmine with a 'what an idiot look'.
"Your wife actually."
Dean shrank from the comm, "Can someone turn that down?"
"Good plan." said Allie.
"We're almost back at the comm tower." said Lomaz.
"Ok, here's the plan." said Amber, turning arond to face the crew. "We open the airlock, and someone goes through one of the windows and picks her up. K?"
"Sounds great, I'll get the 'bug as close as possible." said Dean, drawing up to the tower. "Who's going through?"
Dean "Damn, knew I forgot something" Thomas
OOC: Ok, here's a post that draws 'em both together. The Quasar 4 exists and is up in orbit with the BD, it just didn't land? sound groovy? :)

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