I am a fish

A bit of Red Dwarf related humour for you all...
I was chatting with my sister's bf the other day and the topic ended up
on high school for some reason. Anyway, he told me that for his final
year french exam he had a question something along the lines of "Write
a letter to your pen pal describig what you did on your summer holiday"
He wrote: "Je suis un poisson je suis un poisson je suis un poisson je
suis un poisson je suis un poisson je suis un poisson je suis un
poisson je suis un poisson je suis un poisson je suis un poisson je
suis un poisson..." for two pages and handed it in.
His teacher was a Red Dwarf fan. She gave him a pass. =)
Wish I'd thought of that, hehe
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