RE: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Sauceration Minty Opera

Who: Yes. That's right.Where: Parrott's (*spits*) Bar  (No, this isn't a Western...)When: Shortly after the skuttering finale-snip-
  "What's with the screami..." began Zodar, who chose that moment to walk in the door and see several drunken people hiding behind tables, staring at the wreckage of a golf cart, skutters and broken bottles.  "Sauceration Minty Opera soundsh good," said Keto firmly, if a little dazedly.
-end snip-  "Ok, now Keto. Tell me what we're doing. How are we going to really get this cow back for what she's done to us?"  "Wellllll..." Keto slurred out, "...Shlowly we shtart to bound round like those fings... You know those fings... From where you come from..."  "What? Do you mean Kangaroos?"  "Yeshh! Nooo! No, thash not right..." Keto said, eating another nut.  Talking to the drunken was proving to be rather difficult. The conversation had been going well, but just like the golf cart, it had taken a sharp turn into something solid, causing it to be even more defunct in the end, than when it started. Luckily, someone in the background began to "Baaaa!" spontaneously.  "Ohhhh, you mean sheep!" Zodar put the pieces together, "So we're all to act like sheep and make the captain go mad."  Keto grinned inanely, "Hey, thatsh a great plan. I'm glad you fought of it. Want a nut?"  "...But I didn't think of..." Zodar looked at Keto drunkenly holding the nuts, no drinkable alcohol in sight.  "Nuts?" Zodar asked, confused. "Oh riiight... the thing with the... yeah, I remember now..."  Keto didn't understand what Zodar was talking about, but he was willing to laugh at whatever he might be saying as he was under the impression that Zodar was making a joke of some type or another. In actual fact, Zodar had stopped talking and had walked off to find himself a drink several minutes ago, but Keto began chuckling to himself in the corner anyway.  Zodar walked around Parrott's, a little annoyed at not being able to get a drink, and blaming it, in part, on the golf cart when his radio crackled to life.  "Zodar, are you there?"  It was Tara. Zodar fumbled for his radio, "Yes, I'm here, what's up?"  "Zodar, remember when you transferred power to the engines?" Said Tara, a little annoyed. Her voice sounded like she was just asking questions to prove a point. Her manner was controlled, yet angry.  "Uh, yeah, what's the problem?"  "From where did you transfer that power from?"  "Um... The Medibay?" Zodar lied.  "You transferred power from Power Grid C, didn't you."  "I may have..."  "And do you know what is connected to Power Grid C?"  "Lava Lamps?" Zodar played dumb again.  "THE VENDING MACHINES!! Do you know how bad warm Pepsi tastes?!"  "Sorry... Um, I have to go."  "Why?"  "Dean is starting to sing."  "Oh. Fair enough. Bye."  Zodar clipped the radio to his belt again and ran to cover or block Dean's mouth with whatever he could find, "Not while I'm still sober, buddy!" he yelled as he dived across the room.<TAG>OOC: It's amazing. A complete stranger contacted me on icq and so I sent her a copy of this post and explained it to her and all... The funny part was that when I gave her the website,, she said that she'd already visited the site (And I don't have the website written in my contact info). <Insert Eerie Music Here> I think we might be more popular than we think... Apparently she was told by a friend who is a writer and likes our sim. Cool huh? :)

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