RCF mark 1 and Glue Grenades

Who: The Crewbies (sounds like some bad 60's sit-com...)
Where: Some plebian base in the Alps
When: As Steev said, near lunchtime
"Thanks." he said poking his head around a corner. Then immediately returning, as the wall near where his head had been was gouder-cheesed out of existence.(BTL - foor those who care).
"Le Smeg."
Tara had been rumaging in the corner
"Eurika!" she exclaimed from the corner where she had been rumaging
"Huh?" said Cerebrum, then his eyes glazed over in lust as he saw the size of the gun she had
"Where the smeg did that come from Tara"
"Rufus told me the blue prints for it he was gonna make one, but I got there before him. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the RCF mark 1. Laser sighting, heat seeking missiles, flame thrower, silencer, stabaliser, nitrogen cooling, plasma vents, expanded load capacity, machine gun, pistols and shot gun. Now if you'll excuse me I have some guards to dispatch. White Wolf, you still have any of those riot packs from the Gelf thing ages ago"
"Urm, let me check..." WW pulled out several things from his cheek pouches, acme hole in the floors, carrots, ak-47, riot pack... "Ahhh, here we go Tara" He handed her the soggy pack. Tara gingerly opened it and pulled out a glue grenade. She pulled out the pin with her teeth and stepped into the corridoor. Then stopped she couldn't kill these people... 9.... they looked so real...7... they would have friends and robotic lovers.... 5.... she thought about how she felt when she lost Phil... 3.... A sob escaped her mouth..
"Throw the grenade!" Keto yelled backing off with the others
"Huh?" said Tara being jolted from her thoughts ... 1....
"Nice one Cleavage, remind me to demote you"<Tag!>
OOC- Im back.. for now.. Gay Oh Hell isn't funking me about today... i had 22 e-mails to read because it hasn't let me read my mail for 4 days..
22.... just like the good old days.....
what happened guys?!
22 e-mails is a good thing!
bring back those times! POST!!!!!

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