Re: Blood in Buckingham, Ditzes in the Drive Room

Where :- Buck Palace
Who :- HRH King Seymour I, HRH Queen Katrina I, Royal subjects Cubie
and Zack, plus the ever faithful and ever-so-slightly cheeesed off
What time :- Lunchtime! I think...
Seymour was livid. "But I'm the bloody King!! I can DO that!"
The argument would have continued, but thankfully three spiders
through the rubble and rushed to attack the quartet.
Steev almost thought about returning the grenade launcher. It wasn't
like it had any ammo. But what to do about the spiders? Hmmm...they
were really getting kinda close.
Everyone in the room froze...Cubie shouted something about using the
grenade launcher...there were some very colourful expletives in there
Well it's reasonable. I mean the spiders were now very close.
Why should he do something? Because they were mechanical, he
supposed. Engineers are supposed to know how to deal with this sort
of thing, aren't they?
It hadn't occurred to Steev that it was possible to freeze more than
absolutely stock still. Somehow the crew managed. He was impressed
despite himself.
"Bugger it," he thought. Pulling out a screwdriver, he dived on top
of the nearest spider...
Steev stood in a heap of spider bits. Everyone stood and stared.
"The spiders," Steev started, "The spiders...have a locking bolt in can have the grenade launcher back
Steev held out the grenade launcher.
He was quite owrrried. No-one had moved or spoken for at least 5
The silence was then broken by a vomiting Katrina.

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