What's the problem? Part 1

OOC-Sorry I haven't been real consistent with posting,
but I've been sort of depressed lately. My boyfriend
broke up with me, Nicole (Katrina) is moving, lost my
job, the normal stress that causes me to be lazy.
Console Officer Allie Fletcher was in bad shape. Her
light-bee was damaged again. She knew that she should
have had Phil give her a guarantee the last time he
fixed her bee.
After Katrina's dog had swallowed her light-bee
whole, then rather forcefully expelled from its body,
she had known something was wrong. First, she would
switch from hard-light to soft-light without warning.
Then, her bee would turn off her body for hours on end
for no reason, later rebooting in black-and-white,
color returning randomly. She also couldn't punch up
any of her outfits, leaving her stuck in a tacky red
dress that she had worn as part of a Halloween costume
several years before. And now, after she had felt a
worrying sizzling inside, she was completely
soft-light. She was no more than a digital ghost.
As much as it hurt her, Allie had been avoiding
White Wolf since returning to the ship. She didn't
want to do it, but she couldn't let him see her like
this. By now, she was sure White Wolf had figured that
she'd dumped him or was seeing someone else, which was
as far from the truth as you could get. Allie had seen
as little of the people on the ship as possible, never
leaving her room for anything. Only after the sudden
announcenment of shore leave did she venture out, for
fear she would become a recluse.
Allie needed help again.
(To Be Continued)
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