Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] **Action** \"End of the line?\"
OOC: I really don't know where Eve has been so use your imagination who: Eve, Larry, othersWhere: Landing BayWhen: Just before Larry gets on boardEve was walking along the corridors of Blue Dwarf minding her own business, hoping to find Phil so that she could get the key to the top secret files in the science department, when a middle aged, only slightly human male crew member ran up to her, "You know this ship pretty well?""Um, yeah kinda, been here a few months" Eve was confused"Can you go to the loading bay and collect the new recuit and take him to the drive room?" He paused "Please""Sure"After that he ran off, not explaining any more.Larry stepped off, grabbed his luggage and was met by someone who he couldn't identify."Hi I'm Eve, you are?""I'm Larry Taiarsarataravital, you can call me TJ, everyone else does, I'm joining the security department""Your game" Eve giggled"At present I think I'm head of the science department, though I've heard rumours that I may not be, not sure really, you never can be sure on board here""Your a bit young aren't you""Well if you call 16 young then yes"At that they were outside the drive room, Eve pushed him through the door way and slowly followed.<SNIP>A new face walked into the Drive-room. Captain Niples was busily looking over everyone shoulders at various computer reports about the robots that seemed to be invading Earth. He had been reviewing the updated crew roster and was expecting Larry Tajarsarataravital. But he was damned if he could pronounce his name. He went over and shook TJ's hand. "I'm Captain Seymour Niples. Welcome to the crew Mr. Tajarsa .... jarsara .... tar ..... TJ." "Glad to be with you, Sir." Larry smiled. "We're monitoring the progress of the Plebian robots that have crashed into Earth. Would it be possible for you to form a security team and go down to earth and stop the robots from reaching the civillian population?" TJ looked a bit confused, as he hasn't been on the ship- he didn't really know what was going on. He didn't get chance to say much more as General Anders burst int othe Drive-room. "Nippels! Nipples, this ship is a shambles! I was not formally greeted in the Drive room as per instruction of the space core directive #243A, the corridors smell of curry, the crew need showers, I almost stood on a rat in MacDonalds and was mugged by an old lady in the promenade!!!" Niples rolled his eyes, having met Anders before.<END SNIP> Eve spun around to the owner of the voice, General Ander's she knew the voice, face and name, very well I might add, she was lucky he hadn't heard or seen her. She slowly moved behide one of the crew members. Eve had helped make the General a general, she knew alot about him, including stuff that could break him. She stood there for a while, there was something different about him, then it clicked he was from this dimension and not hers, she wondered how alike they would be. She stepped out and began to walk to the door. She stopped when the yelling started.<SNIP>"YES YOU HEARD ME!" Anders pressed the intercom as he shouted "CAPTAIN SEYMOUR F. NIPLES IS NO LONGER IN COMMAND OF THE J.M.C BLUE DWARF. I AM DECLARING SHIPWIDE SHORE LEAVE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. The Dwarf will stay in orbit around Earth and therefore will stay under rules and regulations of the Jupiter mining corporation which means that crewmembers can go to and from the ship and Earth as they please."<END SNIP>Go to earth, this dimensions earth, see where her mother came from. Eve started to get excited and ran off to find Zodar...<Tag bubs.... and anyone else, I posted YEH!>Join the worlds largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Click Here