The BD Haggis Chase

>PUlling a small bottle of brandy out of a pocket he
>doused Roskev with it, waking her up.
>"Hi, I'm having a party-Phill just promoted me!!
>Fancy a drink?"
"I'm afraid, Armer, you will be assisting me in helping Dean here go through
a little, drug testing program that he so kindly aggreed to help with." said
Phil one eye closed, due to a missing contact lense.
"Fair enough." said Armer, jovially. "Good for you Dean to be helping
someone at last." Dean just groaned....
Later, in Dr Keto's lab....
"Ok, just inject it here, Armer, hold him for a minute will you?"
"Sure, sure." Armer walked over. "He's struggling a bit, calm down man!"
Dean said "You're DEAD monkey breath!" before the syringe was placed in his
artery and he slumped in the chair.
"Not much is happening. What's it supposed to do?" asked Armer.
"I don't know actually." said EP, "I just, chose a serum at random."
"Oh, fair enough." Armer said, he turned back around.
(Phil was busy with some bottles)
"What the hell is that?" asked Armer, pointing at the tartan ferret.
"That appears to be a haggis." said Phil, turning back to the bottles.
"A HAGGIS?" he yelled?
"I thought they didn't exist!" shouted Armer, watching as the haggis went
flying from the chair towards the bottles. "NEEP!" went the haggis.
"I'll get him" yelled Armer has the haggis hit the back of Phils head,
sending him crashing into the bottles. "I'm back in control!" yelled Phil,
before Armer cracked a bottle over his head, narrowly missing Dean the
haggis and sending Phil sprawling in the bottles once more. "Ha!" said Phil,
"Back in control, I ask you!" Now, catch that haggis!" he shouted as Dean
flew off down the corridor, heading towards the sleeping quarters....
Dean "NEEP!" Thomas
<OOC: Och aye! reporting tae ya fro bonnie scotland!>
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