Re: OOC-Leaving

*matches seans look of mock horror*
Awwwwww... :(
It won't be the same without Katrina. I mean who is gonna be around
to clean up after Dr. Keto's failed ointment experements.... ;)
Seriously, it's a shame to see you go Nick but if you gotta go you
gota go. You'll be missed.
> Guys, I hate to do this, but I'm asking to leave the Blue Dwarf.
> unsubscribe me from the game. It's not because I no longer love
this game, I
> still have the same passion for it as I did when I joined a year
ago, but my
> life has gotten difficult again. I'm, at this moment, preparing
for a big
> move down to Florida, which is a long ways away from New
Hampshire. Maybe,
> when I get settled down there, I'll rejoin, but I make no
promises. I'll miss
> you all with your crazy personalities and bizarre characters. And
Vyv, you
> better post soon before you get kicked out of the game again.
> Good-bye all,
> Nick

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