Long Live the King

Who: The man with the death wish, and some other people.
Jay had returned and was about to say something when a small rock flew out
of the forest and hit Phil on the head. Dean was standing there, having
heard the whole story and suddenly regreting was he was doing....
"Hi Jay. or should I say, oh smeg, I'll run off now?"
"I'd go for the latter..." snarled Jay. Phil moaned softly, and opened his
red eyes.
"Ok, look, I know we seem to have got off on the wrong foot..." said Dean,
trying to buy time.
"Your right there, say your prayers flyboy..."
ZAP. (or KAPOW, but i personally think ZAP is better for lasers don't you?)
"Thank-you very much." said Elvis/Dean. "Hey, not done THAT for a while."
"Long-live the king!" shouted Tara and Phil, rushing to tie up Jay.
"More importantly." said Dean, having stopped waving at imaginary crowds,
"what the smeg do we do with him? and where the smeg are we going anyway?"
Dean "elvis lives" Thomas
Madness Takes Its Toll, Please have Exact Change
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