Hey where did everybody go?

 L'ornt opened the door.
" Suprise its me" he said to rather angry Plebe who knocked him out cold. Smeg thought l'ornt as he fell onto the floor.
"Yeh ouy syug s'eh gnikaw pu" came a familliar voice. "L'ontar is that you?" he garbeled.
"On s'ti a lemac dellac Dlareg!" came the sarcastic reply.
Looking around him for the first time he saw Armer  and Dean standing near a grate talking.
Dean looked around
"Well bless my soul whats a wrong with him?*" he started singing.
"S'eh stuj nekow pu" replied L'ontar.
* Opening line of "I'm all shook up"Do You Yahoo!?
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