Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] City bound

Jay was doing a few system checks on the bug when Alota bamfed in,
"Hey I'm getting a hang of this now" Alota said smiling a fanged smile, she
felt the fangs against her bottom lip,
"Oh shite why can't I stop changing?" she asked herself getting up onto a
counter still crouched, Pyrogen was near patiently waiting for take off
well about as patient as that bloke gets.
"Right I'm coming with you guys" Alota said smiling, her bright yellow eyes
flashing happily almost.
<<short and sweet>>
----- Original Message -----
From: "jay_chrysler" <andy@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 4:20 PM
Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] City bound
> (Snip)
> "Lets figure out how and why everyone is developing supernatural
> powers, that can be Phil and Zodar's job for now. Lets get all off
> the civillians into one "base" camp (OOC- all the rew that we dont
> ever hear about but know they're there). And I want four teams to
> take shuttles around the planet to see if you can learn anything from
> the people who live here. Try not to startle them with our space
> craft, they might think its an invasion. So use public transport
> wherever possible.
> (end of snip)
> Jay sent Dean Thomas, Rio Lomaz and Efof out in three of the
> shuttles. and piloted the last himself.
> "Everyonehere?" he said.
> "WHAT?!" asked a frustrated Zodar, who was having problems
> understanding QUITE what Jay was saying.
> Jay took a deep breath.
> ""
> "oh right." Said Zodar "Not yet, just you and me so far."
> "Whatareyoudoinghereanywayyou'remeanttobedoingresearchforthis..."
> "Sorry...Why are you here? Arent you meant to be finding out what
> happened?"
> "Call it field research, besides, If i stay here I'll end up burning
> "zodarchill!"
> A few minutes later the rest of Jays team boarded.
> "Okletsmove!" Jay said, his hands darted across the control panel, a
> blur to the nakes eye. "weregoingtotheBIgcityinthenorth!"
> <who else in in Jay's team?>
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