RE: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Another brilliant plan

Who: Lenin and everybody else in the general area that Lenin's in.
Where: The center of the universe, since the universe is infinite, that
means any point can be considered the center since there will be an infinite
distance going away in all directions. The question now is, which universe?
*Raises left eyebrow*
> "Oh smeg!" they said simultaneouslty, realising that as they had just
> crushed Lenin, beneath them, the skutters looked pretty angry....
> "RUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they shouted, before leaping off, the fellowship in
> tow....
Lenin again struggled to his feet, snapped his fingers, and watched as the
scutters bounced a bunch of 7.64 mm bullets off of the door that Dean and
Armer just exited. That he turned back to Eve as a squad of scutters zoomed
off in hot pursuit of Dean and Armer.
"Of course saving the ship is the primary concern," he said, "because if the
ship is destroyed, then all hope of social progression to the next logical
stage, communism, will be lost for the galaxy. Now, I've got a brilliant
plan to stop him. What you have to do is disable the power to the stage so
his microphone will shut off, and then I, as the leader of the local
government, will set up a tax audit on him, claiming unpaid concert taxes,
and have him sent to the gulag for eighty years for failure to pay the
aforementioned taxes. Okay?"
Zodar grew impatient, watching Eve doing... that... and the rest trying to
run away.
The Fellowship was getting nowhere fast.
"Everybody stop! This isn't the time for deals, we need action!" Zodar
Lenin looked slightly insulted and was preparing to yell again.
"I mean, your plan IS pure genius, and I think that an alliance between your
Union and our Fellowship would be most beneficial for everyone at this
stage." Zodar finished with a nervous grin.
Lenin looked slightly smug, "But the problem is?"
"Your plan is going to have to be Plan B." Said Zodar, trying his best to be
a confident leader.
"Wow, two plans! We are so organised!" Said Eve.
"Rufus! Go and fire the meson cannon at Vinny! And set it to mind scramble.
We don't want anyone getting hurt now, do we?"
Rufus stood still and gave Zodar a defiant cold stare, "Why should I take
orders from you?"
Zodar exhaled heavily, "Fine. I'll do it." he said running to the cannon.
The trick to this move was to do it with speed so that Vinny couldn't react
in time to avoid the laser.
But unfortunately, the meson cannon (Like all experimental technology) had
it's bugs.
It seemed that the Joystick had been reversed, so right was left and left
was right...
In quick succession, Zodar took the joystick punched in the settings and
A huge blast of multi-coloured light from the meson cannon's beam filled the
As everyone regained their sight, Vinny stood, untouched, tapping his foot
on the stage.
"You should have known that it wouldn't be that easy..." He said and began
to practice some musical scales to his own made-up key signature.
Someone yelled out...
"What dunderheaded nonsense is this?! Smithers, where are you?!"
Zodar blinked "OH SMEG!"
Jay looked around, "Smithers?"
Zodar looked at where the cannon had ended up pointing. If Jay hadn't fallen
asleep against the wall where he had, he probably wouldn't have been hit by
the meson cannon's beam, like he had.
"Oh smeg. I must have scrambled his mind good." Said Zodar backing off to
join the group again.
"Another rouge personality?"
"I don't think it's a rouge personality, he probably just thinks he's
someone else." Guessed Zodar
"So who the hell does he think he is?" Asked Present Phil
"C Montgomery Burns." Said Zodar
"Who?" Phil asked
"Haven't you ever watched The Simpsons?"
"The Simpsons?"
"A 21st Century cartoon."
"Oh. That's probably why I haven't seen it. I don't watch the classics."
Concluded Phil.
WW dropped to the floor and motioned for a group huddle.
"Let's focus on the main problem at hand here. I think Lenin's plan is a
good idea. We'll just go and turn the power off to the stage somehow."
Zodar looked over to his friend, who was ranting "You dunderheaded fools!
I've seen chimpanzees give better directions!"
By this time, Jay had developed a definite hunch and had also developed the
habit of ringing his hands...
"Don't make me have to teach you a lesson in manners, Monty." Squeaked WW
from the floor.
OOC: Overall, doesn't change our situation much, though Jay does think he's
a cartoon character now, the meson cannon is acting up (perhaps on purpose
by Vinny), and the Fellowship has accepted Lenin's offer...
Well, alright, it does change our situation a bit... But I take no
responsibility for how jay is now... he did that all by himself... You all
saw... I didn't touch nuttin... Honest... ;)

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