SOTM-November and December

I know its a little belated, but heres the winners of the "Simmer of the month award" for November and December.
For his incredible adventures around the ship, seeing things from a completely different perspective, (although normal for someone of his species) and driving around in a minature humvee which had me in smiling throughout the day, the winner for December is:
And for spurring a communist revolution throughout the ship which has had incredible impact on the lives of every crewman, or has perhaps gone unnoticed by the general public who are naivly unaware they are living in a communist republic. The winner for December is:
Lenin, a.k.a. Dr. Cerebrum!!!
*****************************************************Captain Seymour Niples, JMC Blue Dwarf*****************************************************"WE'VE LOST THRUSTERS!" Jay announced.."I've lost control of the shuttle....were gonna crash..EVERYBODY TO THE BACK! NOW!...except you Keto come sit on the dashboard..."                          (Andy Longman, Jay Chrysler, JMC Blue Dwarf)---------------------

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