Re;- Well wax my lip and call me grandma JAY how could you?

Who:- Jay
Where:- Anywhere.
Jay walked away from his wife, clutching the monolougued Parrots T-
dhirt that he now had to wear instead of the standard issue JMC
Pilots uniform that he'd worn since he was 17.
He walked into the lift and descendied the many floors to the
Shuttlbay, where he entered the pilots lounge.
As usual it was fairly messy. empty drinks containers scattered
across the floor.
He stepped over Efof's legs, which were stretched across the floor
while he was busy knitting, Jay smirked as he niticed his own
handiwork, the charicature of Kayn that hed drawn months ago,
ploughing a starbug into an asteroid.
Grabbing a box off the shelf, and emptying out the files stored
within it he porceeded to his locker where he proceeded to empty out
his belongings.
Ensign Lomaz appeared from nowhere "Moving lockers?"
"Moving careers"
Everyone in the room went silent, xstunned by what the heard, Efof
snagged his wool, unravelling his bob the builder jumper.
"WHY?" Lomaz asked, shocked
Jay shrugged. and walked out. HE got back in the lift, and returned
to the habitation deck. Stopping on the deck where Vanessa's quarters
were located.
He opened the door, and placed the box of his belongings, next to
those of hers that he'd been sorting out for the past few days, he
fed the chipmunk, and removed the photo Vanessa kept on her wall, of
herself, Jay and Anna taken before Jay left Earth to join the Red
Dwarf, 3 years ago. he sight of Vanessa's body buckling, blood
spurting from her chest. dead before she hit the ground kept racing
over and over through his head.
Talking to Vanessa's picture in the photo he said "Vanessa..It's all
my're dead because of me, It should have been me" He
placed the photo back on the wall. He turned to leave the room. "I'm
gonna put it right..." The door slid shut behind him. Vanessa smiling
face gazing after him from behing the photo frame.

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