Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Have you ever wondered how D&D beholders move? Here\'s how...

> "Umm, speaking of gas..." said D2 trying to
> interupt.
> "Shut up, Dirk! Can't you see we're busy negotiating
> here?" shouted
> Allie while giving him a look that would've d just
> about wilted
> anybody.
> D2 quickly shut up.
> The little hamster puffed up again, and let out
> another burst of
> flatulence, and sailed casually towards a mouse hole
> at the base of
> Ashley's sensor console, bumping the floor slightly,
> and drifting in
> front of the hole.
> "Listen, if your threating us, perhaps we won't do
> anything at all."
> said Dren.
> "Umm, I think there's something you should know."
> interruppted D2
> again.
> "What!?!" screamed Dren & Allie at D2 in unison.
> "He's getting away again." said D2 quietly while
> pointing towards the
> little hamster.
> Who suddenly upon realising everyone in the drive
> room was looking at
> him, merely puffed up as large as he could, and
> performed a SBD
> (silent but deadly). And quickly disappeared into
> the mouse hole,
> leaving behind a smell that rivalled any stink bomb
> ever made.
Allie screamed with frustration. "Ahhh!!! He got
away! You two, get him again."
"Hey!" D2 moaned.
"Do it or I'll seriously flood the room with
impotence gas!" she screeched. "Now that Wolfie's
gone, and as a hologram, it won't affect me, I can let
loose on you two. And, to make sure you do this
without hurting my honey hamster, I'll up the free
beer to a life time supply."
Dirl and D2 went silent.
She pointed towards the door. "Well, get going. I
know your answer's gonna be yes, so move it!"
(Well gentlemen)
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