The poop is hitting the air rotation device

Who : Phil, Tara and medi bay posse
When : after the bazoikid incedent
Where : Like you have to ask
The was silence unlike anything heard before in the medibay.
The door opened again and in walked FP and Rufus, the boys having big smiles on their faces.

"Well people I bring good joy and tidings - 1 I found Rufus and 2- It seems my son has his daddy's brain cos he got the generator working again...." FP was lloking round the medibay as silnece filled the air.
"I'm sorry, have I stepped in doggy do or sometin....oohhhh blimey...." FP noticed the new body in the morgue.
"Is that...."
"Yes I'm afarid it is son" said PP as he stormed out the medi bay.
"Would someone mind telling me what the fliping hell has just happened here..."
**  5 mins later **
Coffey filled FP and Rufus in on what had happened , inluding the bazkoid incedent  and Tara and Phil's major bust up/split.
FP swore a word so disgusting that even Keto  had to look it up in his medical dictionary to find out it's meaning
"That stupid &%^$^&%^&. I'm gonna kill him."
** Ruslt, Rustle, (twig falls) Ruslte **
"What he'd say?" asked FP.
Rufus intreupted him. "Well, the tree said that if you kill him you are simply killing yourself, therby creating a paradox which could invliving in a even more complicated time loop then you are allready stuck in."
"He really said all that?"
"Yep!" said Rufus, lying through his teetch, not understaing a word of the tree said
"Bloody clever tree. Allright. I'm just gonna break his legs.."
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