The longest couple on Blue Dwarf have something to say....

Who: Amber, Zodar, Phil, Keto, Tara, Coffee, Vanessa (deceased), BPT
Where: Medi-bay
When: as usual the medi-bay has not budgeted for a new small clock hand... SMEG! thats my job...
"Nurse Coffey," said Keto after a moment, in a quiet voice, "If you would please show the way to the morgue."Coffey nodded mutely, and lead Amber and Zodar through to the medical morgue, where bodies were held before a space-faring burial. The medi-bay staff stayed frozen in place, shocked. After a moment, Keto looked back over at Phil, who was still holding the bazookoid.
"If you would care to put the gun down, Mr FeBuggre," he said quietly, "I believe there is work to be done."
Phil lowered the bazookoid, as Amber Zodar and Coffee wheeled the deceased Vanessa into the morgue. They put her in a freezer and filed out again.
"I gotta go" said Zodar "I need to go somewhere" he said and turned wiping a tear from his eye. Coffee went into her office, Keto went into his to fill out paper work leaving only Phil, Tara and Amber in the main medi-bay room. There was a whirring noise followed by a few clicks, the gravity came on and everyone hit the floor with nasty bumps.
"Hey, mom, i'm off, got stuff to do ok?" Amber said
"Sure honey" Tara said without taking her eyes off Phil. Amber left "There was no need for that bazoikoid episode just then" Tara hissed at Phil
"It was a joke Tara!" Phil said in return
"Hmmm... funny joke threatening to blow someones brains out!" she got louder
"Why take Keto's side? Hmmm? Whats going on? Is he your bit of fluff on the side?"
"WHAT HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST THAT! I would never, ever touch Keto again" Tara yelled then took a sharp inhalation of breath, there was a cat running around the room, poo on her foot and the other foot in her mouth.
"WHHAAAAAAAAATTT!!!!" Phil screached "Again?!"
"Oh urm.... ahhh.. well you see, it was..."
"I DONT CARE! you... touched that... inhuman thing in there" Phil gestured towards Ketos office "So go on then how long has it been going on?!" by now coffee had appeared at the door and sean was paying attention, the tree was vegitating in a corner as trees do best "Actually don't answer that, prehaps you would be better off with him anyway!" Phil yelled reaching decibell levels not even reached by Keto, yet,
"Maybe I would!" Tara equalled the decibell level.
"It's over" they both said simultainiously. Tara stormed over to her new office, the layer of rust on the door said it hadn't been used for ages
'Dr Ventrite' Tara thought. She banged on the door shaking the rust loose and went in taking her things with her.
'Note to self' she thought 'collect medical certificate from Keto'<Tag>

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