Intruder intruder.. what the hell do we do?!
Vinny Soprano had made his way to the best room on board the ship,
the Captain's quarters. He made himself at home (i.e. making a mess)
and plopped down on the bed to get a little shut eye.
Not too far away Tom, Dick and Harry, too dense to note the fact the
gravity was off and should be floating in the air were making their
way to the captain's quarters walking on the ground. Besides
wondering why everyone was floating around the three security thugs
were wondering who would want to break into the captain's quarters.
After using a security overwide, doesn't take someone with brains to
use one, the thugs entered the cap's living space and found it to be
a mess. They made their way over to the bedroom after turning the
room inside out looking for who broke in and found the intruder
asleep in the bed.
"Now what?" Tom enquired.
"This!" Harry said. Then he grabbed the intruder by the leg and
began to use him like a fail, smashing him into the walls, floor and
breaking a bedside table and yelling. "This'll learn ya to break
into cap's cabin!"