Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] The revolution meets resistance. Armer meets little.

> Violently shaking the drunk Texan, L'ontar wanted to
> know what was going on. Armer slowly explained what
> had happand after he had left L'ontar and Dean in
> Parrots. When he explained about the vending machine
> L'ontar simply grunted and set off towards the
> machine
> and teach it a lesson and get a drink aswell.
Armer watched L'ontar go around the corner. Then he
watched several cans come around the corner. Armer
carefully peered around the corner, L'ontar was making
his way through a barage of snacks and cans towards
the vending machine.
"Wow, that's commitment for you. Go on get that mad
thing..*" Armer started to cheer, but was cut short by
a lucky alchoholic beverage in a can. He went
unconcious with a large bruise in between his eyes.
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