[JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Heads Are Gonna Roll

Who: Coffey, Cleavage, Mayer, Wildflower, etc.
Where: Medibay
When: Who cares, it's too short to matter
> ointment vial. Everyone's eyes followed him as he
> carried it across
> the medibay and into his office.
> Tara coughed nervously.
> "Uh-oh?" she murmured.
"I hope that one didn't get any ice cream in it," said
Wildflower, voicing everyone's thoughts. The Medibay
staff grimaced as they all imagined Keto storming back
out of his office as the news that once of his
precious ointments had been tampered with.
"Well with my luck, it probably will be the one with
the most in it!" groused Tara. "This is the worst day
I've had in weeks." She kicked at a nearby table. "I
can't believe that Alota. Treating Amber like that.
And slapping her no less!"
"Alota also said she'd blow up Medibay if she had a
bazookoid," recalled Wildflower. "Sounds like she's
turning into a homicidal maniac."
"No, that's Keto's job." laughed Coffey.
Mayer was shaken out of his thoughts of the problems
he was trying to work out. Looking up from the stack
of papers, he seemed puzzled.
"You think that Keto guy is dangerous? Come on, I
may've only just met him but he seems nice enough."
said Sean, as he whiped a blob of chocolate ice cream
off one of his papers.
Coffey glanced at Wildflower, then to Keto's closed
office door, and sighed.
"I was snooping around in a storage closet here in
Medibay once, while I was looking for his top secret
ointment cache and I found some things Keto would
probably rather keep secret." said Hazel.
"That was right around the time he was keeping me
locked in quarantine to try to starve me to death,
right?" asked Wildflower. Coffey nodded.
"He tried to starve you to death?" asked Mayer.
"Yes, well, I don't think it was anything personal.
Really. So, Hazel, what did you find the the closet
that you wouldn't tell me about?"
Coffey took a deep breath and glanced at Keto's door
again. "A severed head. Preserved, stuck in a jar, and
labelled 'Good riddance' in Keto's handwriting."
Mayer shook his head. This place wasn't shaping up to
be like most sci-fi shows he'd seen on television but
it was starting to become just as bizarre the later
X-Files seasons, when all the show's stars had left
and Chris Carter had introduced a talking dog and a
disembodied brain to the cast.
"Don't tell me when he says 'I'll have your head for a
trophy' he actually means it?" said Sean, looking
fairly skeptical.
Coffey shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't bother to
open the jar to see if it was real, which would mean
he is a homicidal maniac, or if it was foam rubber
Keto actually works for George Lucas's
great-great-great clone-son in his off hours."
"But he looks so much like my friend back in
2001...well, if you think he's so dangerous, why
haven't you mentioned this to command?"
"Well, if he has to leave, we might get someone who's
only half as brilliant but twice as crazy. Better the
loony you know than the one you don't."
From the quarantine room, there was a eerie sound
which was rather like a drunk man doing an imitation
of a dog howling.
"Oh dear, it's Fido Shakespeare. The sedation must've
worn off. He's probably hungry." said Wildflower.
"How on earth are we going to feed him? A dish on the
floor?" wondered Tara.
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