yet another fix up...

Who: Amber, Alota, Jay
When: then
Where: Hallway
"Bitch...bitch....I can see where your daughter got it from, in fact I think you should play back security tapes of this place then you'll find out what happened here", Tara huffed and walked away. Alota walked in the other direction dragging Jay out with her she stopped before she dissapeared,
"If I had a bazokoid then I'd blow up this whole medi-bay" Alota stated not turning around then she left.
Amber ran out after Alota
"Auntie Alota!" Amber ran down the coridoor after her. Something inside Alota melted, her anger dissapeard at the word 'This little brat just called me Auntie'
"Auntie Alota" she finally caught up with her "Please make up with mum, she likes you really, she's just a bit over protective"
"Well she is a total cow!"
"No no no, please don't be like that, I think there is something wrong with her dad as well so she isn't quite as emotionally stable"
"Serves her right" Amber's bottom lip started to quiver, she ran off towards an empty room on the right, she was about to open the door when
"NO AMBER DON'T!!" Amber paused...

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