Maybe we need a fire department

"Kayn?""Yeah?" he shouted back, hoarse from the smoke."What the smeg is going on?" said Dean searching round for an extingusher."I dunno! We're on fire though!""Smart man, why aren't the sprinklers on?""Erm.. pass.""Oh smeg."
Kayn and Dean
"Holly!" Kayn screamed
"Yes? Can you turn the thermostat down?" the ship's conputer responded
"It's slightly hot in here..."
"Its because the room is on FIRE Hol!"
"Oh yeah... forgot""Why are there no sprinkler's?"
"Well, someone got rid of them you see"
"Let me guess... the Katrina double?"
"Well... maybe..."
"What do you mean Maybe?""I wasn't watching at the time"
Every hologram on board found itself disturbed in some way on the ship in some minor way, for example, The captain's hologram spontanously combusted and wasn't seen afterwards...
Kayn used up the seventeenth canister of extinguisher and finally got the fire under control (well, stopped it burning too much of the room away). Out of breath, he sat down on a metal chair before remembering how hot it was, and sprang back up. He looked at Dean
"Have we met? I'm Kayn, the chief pilot..."

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