Crashing? I call it landing with style!

Who:- Returning Marooned Crew
Where:- Between shuttlebay doord
When:- After Dirk did something.....odd.
The Starbug was beginning it?s entrance back into the ship.
"Something looks wrong," Phil said. As the craft began to enter the
docking bay, sparks shot forth from the Blue Dwarf's doors causing
them to slam shut. Only, the Starbug was in the way. The rear
section was caught between the doors. The occupants rocked inside
vessel as they heard the slow creaking sound of the hull giving way.
"We need to get out of here!" Tara yelled in panic.
"We can't open the escape hatch while the docking bay doors are open.
We'll get sucked into space!" Jay replied as the bug shook with
another jarring from the closing doors.
Jay, struggling to edge the starbug through the doors slowly, whiles
firing monuvering thrusters both port AND starboard in the hopes of
pushing the doors apart.
"Suggestions?!. Anyone?!" he shouted through to the rear section
"Well Mr. Chrysler," Keto said "Obviously your limited intelligence
can not coem up with the simple answer of actually FLYING through the
"Keets" said Jay "Imagine trying to insert your cranium, into your
own rectal cavity if you will, now, try to comprehend the friction
that would put on your head AND your..ringpiece."
Keto seemed disgusted by Chrysler's metaphore.
"Now apply that to a starbug wedged between closing doors, If the
starbug doesnt get crushed, or pulled apart from the friction, the
doors will be torn apart, in short meaning when we DO touch down,
ther will be nothing keeping us in and space out."
"Your point?"
"Your a doctor, you figure it out."
"What did he say?" asked Jay, not too good on the forbidden language
of the foliage.
Coffee translated. "He said jettison."
"Jettison?." Jay asked, confused, suddenly the penny dropped. "Of
course!, everyone into the cockpit"
The crew bundled in as best they could, the unconcious Trisees and
Shakespeare being thrown on the floor, Tara held tightly to the
twins, Keto took the co-pilots seat, while F-Phil, P-Phil, Wildflower
Vanessa, Coffee, the android and the Tree struggled to get in the
cockpit,mainly due to the fact Lenin was declaring an entire third of
the cockpit as 'soviet territory' and, having commandeered the
Bazookoid was guarding it well.
Jay hit the door release switch and the cockpit door slammed shut,
breaking the glass protecting the emergency separation button,
severley cutting his hand, he hit the button hard.Thrusters fired,
behind the cockpit wall. Docking latches unlatched, and the cockpit
was launched away from the main body of the bug at an alarming rate.
Seconds befroe the rest of the bug's hull gave way and was crushed
between the giant doors.
"gonna get bumpy!" Jay yelled over the noise in the cockpit, as the
Starbug's cockpit hit the deck, its landing legs breaking off, Jay
fired all downward thrusters, trying to stabilize the crash. the
Cockpit bounced, again and again. Eventually coming to a halt between
Blue Midget's 6 and 7.
"Everyone out!" Jay ordered, as Wildflower popped the escape hatch.
One by one they clambered out, Jay being the last to leave, helped
out by the Tree after passing up Shakespeare and Trisees. They ran
across the shuttlebay and all dived behind the Valkyrie as the
Starbug cockpit exploded, taking three Blue Midgets with it. The
Shuttlebay was covered in white hot shards of metal, flames spreading
across the deck.
"Why arent the sprinklers working?"Future-Phil asked,
"Sprinklers? theres no lights either and what the hell was going on
with those doors?" Tara commented. Watching while Jay, Wildflower and
Coffee tackled the flames with nearby fire extinguishers.

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