Between security central and L\'ontar\'s wardrobe.

>(Dean)headed off down to security
> central to check the
> videotapes.
> "hooray!"
> a faint shout echoed down the hall
> 'Was that Armer? Is he still here?'
> "HOORAY!" it was louder now, Dean opened the door to
> find...
End snip
As Dean entered the room, he found Armer still there,
sleeping and shouting "Hooray", in a slightly slurred
Dean shook the sleeping security grunt awake. He was
immediately knocked out by the punch thrown by a very
angry Armer. Or it might have been the breath of an
Armer who had spent the last day or more drinking and
"Wake me, while I'm having a good dream will ya?
That'l learn ya's"
Armer looked at the form lying at his feet. He
thought he knew who it was but his vision was a bit
blurred. Bending down to have a closer look he
recognised his drinking buddy, Dean. "Whoopsy" he
said under his breath.
Checking for a pulse (in dean's upper arm), and not
finding one, Armer came to the immediate conclusion
that he had just killed his freind. "Oh, darn it,
why'd ya have to go an' die on me?" Armer asked
starting to sob.
It took 5 minutes for Armer to come up with a plan.
He would hide the body in the quarters of the most
violent crewmember he could think of. L'ontar.
With this plan in mind he dragged Dean by the feat for
what seemed to be several miles of ship past several
standers by, through a very icy prominade, until he
reached L'ontars quarters. Bumping his unconcious
companion's head innumerous times along the way. He
quickly stashed dean in the wardrobe and went to
parrots to drown his sorrows.
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