
Who : Phil and Mr WD-40
Where : Phil's lab
When : after the 13th hmaster exploded
** BANG**
Phil rose up from behind his desk.
"I take it that didn't work?" he asked?
"Not really Sir" replied Mr wd-40, discrelty removing some explded hamster "gunk" from his visual systems.
"How many is that now?"
"13 sir. Two exploded, one became invisable, one went "out of phase" and flew out the shi and the others just simply disserpeared."
"What's going wrong. All the claulations are right arn't they?"
"Yes sir. I am perplexed as you are."
"Right I'm off to find WW. He might have some ideas."
"Are you sure that is wise sir. You might run into Alota..."
"Ooo errr. I'll take the risk."
<< WW or Alota?>>
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