heh heh I'm posting I'm posting

<<Nobody's really posting so I am.......and I don't care what everyone else is doing ^-^ I'm in a happy mood>>
Where: I can answer this one Blue Dwarf ; )
Jay had just told ALota that he was going on a cargo run and he be about a day, only problem was that was over three days ago, and Tara plus all the medi-bay loons had gone too,
"That smegging git!" she realised as Holly all though going through one of his 'blonde moments' although he had no hair what so ever had just explained that Tara,Rufus, Amber, Jay, Keto, Cerebrum and whoever had gone to a medical conference,
"That smegging frelling git lied to me", Alota said storming off to go and find a good pilot. Unfortunatly on Bd Good pilots don't exsist so she had to use Kayn.
"Kayn I think there's a slight problem" Alota said walking up to the pilot,
"What?" Kayn asked,
"Me thinks Jay and co are missing and or crashed" Alota stood infront of the pilot.
<<OK Kayn your turn, try and get everyone involved so people can post!>>

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