Title Required for Part Time Employment... ^_^
Kayn was fed up of getting information from Holly and went to get something to eat. He'd borrowed a "Holly for Dummies" book from the ships library, as well as the " 'Holly for Dummies' for Dummies " book. As he turned a corner he bumped into Katrina, who was too busy crying to notice him in the way.
"Sorry" she sniffed
"Aren't you the Captain's girlfriend?"
"I... I..." Katrina picked herself off the floor and ran down to the cleaning department crying more water than would fly over Niagra Falls in a week.
Kayn, confused, tried Holly again
"What's up dude?"
"Nice to see you again Holly"
"What do you want?" a rather miffed Holly asked
"Did I catch you at a bad time?"
"Well I'm in the middle of a very complicated game of chinese checkers..."
"The captain has amnesia?"
"And there are still some of the evil copies on the Dwarf?"
"That's right"
"And one of them is Katrina's double who has convinced the captain that she is his girlfriend?""Screwed up isn't it?"
"Naa... it's about normal for this ship" Kayn started to walk off
"Where you off to then?"
"To see the captain... and Holly?"
"The Slush Puppy spinning logos have stopped...""I know. The captain wanted it to show a hologram of himself so he could get his memory back"
"Why didn't you tell me that?""I only have an IQ of 24000 junior executives!"
"Never mind... this hologram still active?""I think so... it's lurking in La Regal Mckenzies"
Kayn walked towards the restaurant.
<There... I'm going to complicate matters ^_^>