Food Fight

Who: Jay, Alota, Chrysler Family, Viagra Family, Keto
Where: La Regal de McKenzies
When: Can'
-- SNIP --
"Now why don't you get to know them, me and Jay will be right back".
-- END SNIP --
Alota quickly hauled off Jay before Keto could so much as open his
mouth to protest. Alota's father, on the other hand, gripped Keto's
arm in a vice-like grip and shook it almost hard enough to dislocate
the doctor's shoulder.
"Ship's doctor, eh?" Mr Viagra asked, "So, tell me, doctor, what do
you think about this...Chrysler?"
"I see," said Mr Viagra when Keto paused for breath. Red-faced,
Keto glanced round the rest of the table. Seeing a couple of people
looking somewhat pale and worried, he blinked and said, "I'm sorry, I
don't believe we've met?"
"I..we...we're Jay's parents," replied Mr Chrysler, cautiously
reaching for Keto's already-proffered hand.
Had he attempted to shake it, there is no doubt that his own hand
would have been torn off by the speed at which Keto withdrew his, an
instantaneous look of horror spreading over his features.
Fortunately...or unfortunately, however you looked at it, any
further discussion was interrupted...
-- SNIP --
> The familiar cry of "FOOD FIGHT!!!!!!" resonated around the
> room......
-- END SNIP --
Keto, already reeling from almost having shaken hands with a Chr
*shudder*...a Chr *shudder...a member of THAT FAMILY...was
sufficiently off-balance to be knocked off his feet by a particularly
large helping of macaroni. Rolling as he hit the floor, Keto ended
up under one of the tables. Glancing to one side, he saw a spaghetti-
endowed Mr Viagra crouched next to him.
" this a COMMON occurence around here?" asked Mr Viagra,
somewhat haughtily.
"With Chrysler around, definitely," growled Keto, before rolling to
one side again to avoid a particularly enterprising child happening
to spot the two men in the relative safety of their shelter.
OOC: I'm out, next!
P.S. Parrott' Parrott', my life is
fading...I need OOC contact....aaaaaaarrrrghhh...must...mail in
twenty five complaints to Yahoo...hourly.... ;)
P.P.S. Oh, and the fact that there was a winking smiley at the end
there doesn't mean I *won't* do it! I agree with Andy, Yahoo's done
nothing but ruin these groups since the moment it got its
conglomerate hands on them!

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